New Moon in Aquarius 1/2017- Pour in, pour out

The new moon in Aquarius is this evening. The sign of fixed air, ruled traditionally by Saturn, colors the energy of this newly beginning lunar cycle. It also happens to be Imbolic and the Lunar New Year. Celebrations that bring folks together in ways that call for thinking forward while looking at what got us here in the first place. It is the crossroads that requires innovation for the survival of humankind.

Too many folks, in my opinion, focus on the idea of Aquarius being eccentric. It really is not as much of a trait as people emphasize. Most Aquarians have a healthy respect for tradition, even if they don’t participate in the traditions themselves. They find ways to honor it by evaluating if it works for them and us as a whole. The ability to look at and examine what is currently in place, the structures and social mores that build the world around us (so much Saturn there) and see the pieces that are missing are Aquarius’ gift. It is also its’ curse because to constantly examine and critique the world around you requires a detachment from it that can leave others viewing you as cold and unfeeling. The feeling is there but Aquarius is driven by the stubborn inner knowing that there is always more work to be done, more social bridge-building to be done.

This new moon can emphasize the need to share our collective story and points of view due to Mercury taking up residence in the sign of the water bearer. It may not be as refreshing to others as cool water but we all must be willing to pour out and into the world at large and into the organizations around us that look to change it for the betterment of us all. We could all take a page from Aquarius’ book and find ways to holding our fragile egos in check when hearing others’stories and criticism that might hurt them. To remove the need to smooth over differences in order to get to Utopia. Having a healthy respect for them is necessary in order to build this world that will get as close to it as humanity ever could.

Working with traditional rulers truly changed my relationship with the signs and Aquarius was one of the ones that hit the hardest. The ideas of what I had been told were blown away when I began to look at the meaning of the sign in relation to yet another astrological symbol that is often framed as cold and unfeeling. It helped me to get into a better relationship with Saturn and what it represents as well. I’m thankful I listened.

My best advice is to set some intentions to speak as much as you listen this lunar cycle. To endeavor to integrate into society without losing self. To find like minds and like hearts and build on it but to exchange with those who are different in ways that honor truth and accountability to the greater whole.

Be easy y’all


New Moon 12/2016- Slow and Steady

A new moon is coming in Capricorn at 1:53 am ET. All that new moon energy is swirling around at 7 degrees of the Sea Goat, talking to a distracted Mercury at 6 degrees. The new moon is a great time to set new intentions. ff103-capricorn1Take note that with Mercury being retrograde that you will most likely have to revisit the plans you make. Capricorn is cardinal earth. So good intentions to set could center around long term goals, practical plans, taking care of your bones, and assessing your responsibilities. Take it slow and steady. Capricorn is hardly ever in a rush. It takes pleasure in playing the long game. Take a note from its book. Especially with Mercury (lower mind) doing a backward sprint thru the sign.


This is a good time to think about what you want and make some small but sure steps towards them. You got time and you got this.

New Moon in Sag 11/2016- Let Your Arrows Fly

Early this morning, the moon met up with the sun in Sagittarius at 7 degrees. New moons help us to start fresh. Venturing forward into the unknown with dreams and plans that look to expand our horizons is a good bet for us right now.

The moon in Sagittariussag-glyph is connected to the sun and is also in a really wide conjunction with Saturn. It is also square Neptune in Pisces. What does all of this mean? In my mind, it means that we would be well served to take some time to build some lose structures around of our goals for the new moon because our ability to focus and discern the truth may be a bit more foggy than usual. We mean well, Sagittarius generally does, and our plans are moving forward on faith and enthusiasm that but it doesn’t ensure success.

Take a chance. Do something new. Something “foreign”. Court adventure. Sagittarius is pretty good at lending flexibility to the planets that float thru it. As we search, remember that the sign of Sagittarius is known as the Archer as well. The flexibility starts in the beginning as we adjust and move to affect our aim. Once we let go, that’s it. The arrow is gone and we might have to do it again depending on the outcome. We may have to readjust our aim, our technique, even our bow and arrows. But we keep going forward. We might be doing it with a bit of a blindfold on this go round but we can do it.

The whole point of a new moon in Sagittariussag1 is to expand our consciousness so that we move closer to the Divine and our higher consciousness. Some good new moon goals to help with that could center around immersing yourself in a new skill or language, friendly competition, long distance travel, or religious rites. Whatever you do, remember that truth is the goal of Sagittarius. That arrow flies forward to find it every time we let it go. And it’s a wonderful trip worth taking.

Big Badda Boom- Aries New Moon 4/2016

There was a new moon this morning, 7:24 am ET to be exact, in the sign of Aries. The sun meet up with the moon in Aries at 18 degrees to start a new lunar chapter. The sun in Aries already ups the general bravery factor. People often associate that bravery in Aries with fearlessness but it is not so much fearlessness as it is a compelling need to do what they feel needs to be done. The fear is still there but it is surmounted by a bigger fear of being stuck and missing out.

This new moon definitely has us itching and willing to venture out. The configuration also remind me of Leelo Dallas in The Fifth Element. 251-the-fifth-element-movie-review-bruce-willis-corbin-dallas-milla-jovovich-leeloo-1997Why? Well because like Aries, Leelo had that spark. That special something that made her unique, first of her kind. Willing to fight for her cause even if it meant her own death (sun in Aries) and focused on it in a way that spurred her forward even when the deck was stacked against her (moon in Aries). Not to mention she caused a lot of head injuries lol.

There is also the sudden nature of her coming into being and the serendipitous way that she met Corbin Dallas that is indicative of the Uranus in Aries conjunction to the sun and moon. Intuitive leaps forward both mentally by the scientist and physically by Leelo caused a change in the tide and the course of human history in this movie. Those same scientists and Leelo engage in a power struggle that exposes weaknesses in government bodies, so much so that they do not understand when there authority is being undetermined from multiple sides. That can be associated with the square that the new moon has with Pluto in Capricorn.

Searching for what she knew to be right helped not just herself but others. She knew her purpose and was willing to act to make it happen. She even made a plan, albeit a hasty one, and it allowed her to stay her course. The point is her plan was linked to her own sense of moral obligation and her need to fulfill her individual purpose. I would say that that could be associated with the trine to retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius.


Okay, so how does this help us? Be like Leelo…or not. This new moon is a time to align our actions with our ideals. Like Leelo, there may be those who have their own suggestions for how we should implement these ideas into our live but it is ultimately up to us to get, move, and make it happen. Sudden barriers could pop up, especially seeing as how we are going to have three retrograde planets (Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) before the full moon comes but trusting in that plan and our ability to make progress even when “moving slow” is essential.

Focus on individual plans this new moon. Be assertive but don’t be a dick. Start something new for you. It will benefit others in someway but that should not be your main reason for doing so in this new moon. The house and personal planets the new moon touches in your Natal chart will give you a very good idea of the details.


Til next time y’all.

Dream Big & Soldier On- Pisces New Moon 3/2016

We have a new moon coming at us today in Pisces. It already feels like a magical time but when a solar eclipse is added in, some folks may feel like the stakes are ramped up. Here’s the chart for new moon tonight at 8:54ET.


Of course, this is a time to set new intentions. Piscean type goals would be a good look for this lunar cycle- spiritual service, compassion, creative endeavors, forgiveness and tie cutting work, etc. Depending on the house this new moon occupies in your chart it, could mean different things for you than for me or anyone else. This new moon happens in my second house so this could be a great time to ask for forgiveness from me if you owe me money (no guarantees at all).

In general, the mutable water energy of Pisces reminds us to dream big and reconnect. Mutable signs clear out what could go stagnant due to the fixed signs that come before them. Stuffy emotional energy is cleated our with Pisces. When the ties that have grown heavy keep us from moving forward, Pisces clears it up.13c1c5fd6fe3158a42579c1cb4b4185b By practicing compassion and faith, we are able to slough off the emotional cobwebs that can hinder us from looking at what could be instead of what already is. That’s the beauty of Pisces. By having us accept things and people as they are we can move into space that opens us to source and dreams beyond imagination.

This new moon is opposed by Jupiter in Virgo so a word of caution is necessary. Don’t go overboard with rose colored glasses in order to move forward. Use the square of Saturn in Sagittarius,which others may see as a hard aspect to deal with but I see it as useful for this setup, to keep your feet grounded as you dream. Jupiter typically likes to go overboard but with it being in Virgo that tendency could be limited in most areas except for nervous tension and worries. I think it should be noted that this new moon happens in Pisces but touches on planet in sign combos that push for a melding of big ideas with realistic planning. If you don’t really want it to happen, don’t start it now. Be as sure as you can. Stay open to possibilities but get as clear as you can to start.